This website provides information on sustainable groundwater management activities, meetings, and resources in the Merced Groundwater Subbasin. The Merced Groundwater Subbasin is one of 21 basins in the State of California identified by the California Department of Water Resources as critically overdrafted and one of 46 basins considered high priority. Consistent with the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), water management and land management agencies in Merced Subbasin formed three Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs): the Merced Irrigation-Urban Groundwater Sustainability Agency, the Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, and the Turner Island Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency #1. The three GSAs collaborated to develop one Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for the entire Merced Groundwater Subbasin, which was submitted to DWR in January 2020. The GSP was revised in July 2022 in response to DWR's evaluation of the January 2020 GSP. The GSP was revised in January 2025 in response to DWR's recommended corrective actions. The revised GSP is currently being implemented.
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, passed in 2014, requires the formation of local Groundwater Sustainability Agencies to oversee the development and implementation of Groundwater Sustainability Plans, with the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable management of the state's groundwater basins. Three GSAs have been formed in the Merced Subbasin. These GSAs have developed and adopted a 2020 GSP and most recently revised it in 2025.
This website previously provided provide updates on preparation of the GSP for the Merced Groundwater Subbasin, and is currently used to provide updates on GSP implementation, including meeting announcements and availability of annual reports, GSP updates, and other relevant documents.
The GSP was updated in several key places to respond to comments and corrective actions contained in the Statement of Findings Regarding the Approval of the San Joquin Valley - Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan published by DWR in August 2023. The 2025 GSP was developed openly and transparently with substantial input from the public. The 2025 GSP and Periodic Evaluation have been adopted by the three GSAs after holding public hearings for each respective GSA. The adopted materials are both available on the Resources page.
Further, the 2025 GSP will be posted by DWR on their SGMA Portal along with an interface to allow for public comment for 60 days after the posted date.
The GSP was updated in several key places to respond to comments and corrective actions contained in the Statement of Findings Regarding the Determination of Incomplete Status of the San Joaquin Valley - Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan published by DWR in January 2022. The revision was developed openly and transparently with substantial input from the public. The revised GSP has been adopted by the three GSAs after holding public hearings for each respective GSA. The adopted revised Merced Subbasin GSP and redline copy showing the revisions are both available on the Resources page. Further, the revised GSP will be posted by DWR on their SGMA Portal along with an interface to allow for public comment for 60 days after the posted date.
The three GSAs in the Merced Groundwater Subbasin each adopted the Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan after holding public hearings for each respective GSA. The GSP was submitted to the California Department of Water Resources by January 31, 2020. The adopted Merced Subbasin GSP is available on the Resources page.
The GSAs are in the GSP implementation phase. Information on future Coordination Committee and Stakeholder Advisory Committee meetings will be posted here as it becomes available and transmitted to the MercedSGMA listserv.
Date & Time | Name | Location |
Next meeting of Coordination Committee and Stakeholder Advisory Committee is TBD, likely May or June 2025 |
Information on future Coordination Committee and Stakeholder Committee meetings will be posted here when available. Meetings are open to the public and there is time scheduled on the agenda for public comments. The agenda for upcoming meeting will be posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please be sure to check back here for updates and sign up below to receive email notifications about public meetings.
Learn about the future of groundwater in the Merced Groundwater Subbasin with these informational handouts from a recent Public Meeting:
Fact Sheet en españolTo assist in development of the GSP, interested parties have requested the ability to submit groundwater level measurement data. Existing monitoring data can be accessed via the Data Management System. To allow for data submittal while striving for high quality data, it is requested that any such submittals meet the following general criteria:
Data must be provided in an electronic format. Please use and complete both of the templates provided in the links below. There are two templates: one for groundwater elevation data and one for site-specific information. Both have a “read me” tab with instructions on how to complete the templates.
GW Elevation template Site-specific template
Microsoft Excel is required to open and view the template files. If you do not have Excel, there is a free online version available here.
Please send completed templates to:
Please feel free to contact us for any questions. Thank you for your input and involvement in the Merced GSP development process.
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